
if you want to be a part of the bazaar, you must:
  1. be 18 years or older. you don't need to list your age, but keep in mind our members may post mature content on their sites & you must consent to being affiliated with this if you are to be part of the ring.
  2. play neopets proper, grundo's cafe, or another neopets-related game. duh!
  3. host & maintain a creative personal website with more than just links. this means we do not accept linktrees / carrds that just serve to redirect people to things like twitter or tumblr. you are free to use these services to make a site & get accepted, though, as long as you have 1) something personal & creative on it ( eg. journaling / writing, art & games, character profiles, etc. ) and 2) full control of your site's html.
  4. have our widget displayed on your website somewhere. duh!
  5. not support, promote, or otherwise express hateful beliefs on your site. political topics are fine, but we do not accept targeted, discriminatory content against minority groups. just be chill!
  6. not support, promote, or advertise NFTs or AI-generated content.
  7. send us an application after you've read all the rules! click the link in the navigation panel ( or here ) to get started!
simple, right? if you are still unsure about your qualifications, just send your app anyway & i'll let you know if it slides. keep in mind that if your site is found to break these rules at a later date, you may be removed from the ring. and it should go without saying, but do not harass any of our other members! if there is discomfort within the ring & you cannot resolve it on your own, bring your issues to me & i'll do my best to mediate.


Q: if i stop playing neopets, can i still be a part of the webring?
A: as long as you aren't taking a stance & stopping forever, breaks ( extended or otherwise ) are fine. :)

Q: my website is mostly empty right now, but i really want to join! can i still send an app?
A: as long as your intentions are to use it as something besides a bouncing board to your socmeds, then yes! you should have at least some work done though, even if that's just a CSS-free intro page.

Q: how frequently do i need to update my site to stay in the webring?
A: however often you'd like!

Q: my website isn't about neopets at all ... is that OK?
A: yes! if you have a neopets section, that's even better, but you aren't required to have it to be part of the webring. you just need to have played the game in some fashion!

Q: is there a discord or forum somewhere we can all hang out at?
A: no ... i'm sorry ... i don't have the spoons to wrangle people like that. use the webring to reach out to others who seem to have shared interests, though, and make some new friends that way!