big update for halloween ( note: not really for halloween )
2024 oct 26
what's new with the site?- redecorated homepage for the holiday;
- removed secrets;
- added a small "about me" section on the "about" page;
- added OC quick ref page;
- began & nearly finished my art page!
next, i finally wrote a small blurb on my "about" page about ... well, me. for over a year now, it's only had a section about the website; i had ambitions about how i'd set up the Me section, so i'd been putting it off forever ... but i decided it was way past due to at least include something, so now there's some super basic stuff there ( including my name! ).
and lastly, i made a temporary reference page for my OCs. part of the reason i'm making them profiles in the first place is that i want a central page to send people to when i want something like a commission; but as usual, it's taking longer than i'd like to set them all up, so i just whipped up something really quick to serve as that until i make everyone's pages properly. not everyone is up there, but everyone who's got a decent ref has a section.

a kindly shoutout to my partner, whose wizardry with javascript helped a crap-load with my tagging system. if she ever makes her website, i'll link to it! what's new with me? not much new here. the fall weather is doing wonders for my mental health, although we're still having some long sunny days that i wish would leave for the season already ... we decorated for halloween, although we still haven't gotten any candy for trick-or-treaters yet; hopefully this weekend we can get some ... i have no idea how many to expect -- we aren't exactly in a prime location for kids, where we live -- but i want to be prepared regardless. and besides that, we don't have any fun plans ... maybe watch a movie or try to get through a horror game. speaking of games: i'm playing through the elden ring DLC finally & i love it, but holy hell are the bosses insane. i AM ignoring the new feature to even the playing field, so to speak, but still ... they went downright sicko here. i'm having a great time though; the subject matter is all my favorite stuff from the game ( the "old" tree & the crucible, miquella & malenia ) so it's been a real treat for me. all the new NPCs are really wonderful, too! just great stuff! i don't want it to be over ...

we also started reading dungeon meshi together, and i'm struck by how much better the manga feels than the anime. it's not really my field -- i don't watch a ton of anime -- but i often think about how standard it is that comic books get adapted into cartoons here, and how it's mostly seen as a good thing based on fan reception; comics / manga are a specific medium, just like animation is, and i think it's odd how manga is almost seen as, like, a really over-produced storyboard for an aspirational future anime adaption by many people. ryoko kui does a very, very good job utilizing the medium in dungeon meshi ( plus her art is spectacular ... ) and it feels like, almost jarring to think back to how the anime tried to adapt it. like ... what's the point ... you know ... like of course i know the point is, people want flashy visuals & sound design & movement, because it's more engaging than a black & white comic, but i don't know ... !! you know!! the way panels express certain scenes just feels so impactful, and the more rigid scene structure of an anime necessarily means that these scenes won't have the same feeling ... and sometimes that can really hurt the moment ... uh anyway, pretentious prattling got the better of me there. i'm done for today! enjoy the rest of your day or night, and i'll see y'all again when i see ya. take it easy!