
about me

erm ...

i don't know what to put here yet ...

about the site

why make a personal website?

a blumaroo from neopets using a computer. i've always enjoyed using html & css since i was single-digit-years old on neopets. having not had an outlet for that kind of creative work for some time, making this website has been a welcomed challenge! but i didn't just pick this back up for no reason.
with the deteriorating state of social media ( i write this at the tail end of 2023 ), i was feeling discouraged and agitated. i started pining for the days of yore, when customization and unabashed self-indulgence was the norm in online spaces. that's when i remembered ... neocities.
i had this website in skeletal form fermenting in their servers for quite a while, but i was taken over by a newfound sense of urgency -- and so, i started working on it again. a few months later, and here we are!

what's the goal here?

a lupe and two techos from neopets joyfully using a computer. my intentions for this website are basically what i just said: i want to be as silly, cringe, genuine, & unashamed as possible. i want to create for the sake of creating, without worrying about impressing others or upholding expectations. i want to be stupid & i want to be me!
i'll be making & posting whatever i want, whenever i want. blog posts, drawings, creative writing, stupid memes, games, collections, so on & so forth; if i'm inspired by it, i'll put it up here!
as well, i hope to encourage others to do the same. i have a great deal of shame about being a person & being myself, and i know other people feel the same; if i could sway even one more person to just live a little more freely -- even in as teeny tiny a corner of the internet as this -- i'd be happy.

additional things to note:

this website looks best on desktop. if you are on mobile, please toggle "desktop view" in your browser for a better viewing experience.
my intention is to work on a mobile theme once the main site is fully developed!
it was developed using firefox. testing on other browsers is minimal, but feedback is welcome.
i want to make this site accessible! no intrusive popups, no bright flashing lights, prioritized readability, etc.
i am using css, html, & javascript. there are no ads here. ( and with luck, there never will be! )

a gif of three cartoon people gossiping.

you've found a secret!

"i hear the gacha contains 39 characters and 46 phrases ... have you seen them all yet?"