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smash tennis

virgin interactive entertainment, 1993


platform: SNES (emulated)
completion: full
method: played


2023 june 6

super cute tennis game i watched my partner play every day, for weeks, for about 5-10 minutes at a time. we found the sprite work charming & gameplay fun enough, but it isn't anything remarkable in the 2020's.

i don't have too much else to say, though ... we played this along with some other titles available on the switch's emulator library, & it ended up being one of the ones we would keep coming back to. i'm unsure why, though. the box art is attractive? the game's easy to get into? the characters are ... memorable? distinct? regardless, i shall think fondly of this title.

so, do i recommend this?
yeah! it's a nice game to jump in & out of quick. easy to emulate, too. ;~)