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may updates

2024 may 4

what's new with the site? current main projects:
  1. set up art page
  2. set up ocs profiles
  3. weekly game journal entries

a lot of minor changes being addressed in today's post, but there is the new faq page to better explain what my mission statement is for my games journal. it's in need of some decorations, which i'll be adding at a later date, but for now ... there you go.

speaking of the journal: i did go through and re-read some entries, and noticed a lot of weird sentences or silly typos. i go over my reviews before i publish them, but obvious i still miss a lot; if you happen to read one & spot a glaring issue, please let me know lol ... i won't be offended, i promise!

also wanted to mention really quick here -- you guys are leaving comments on my neocities feed, and i just wanted to say SORRY!!! for missing them. i seriously forget all the time that neocities has a built-in feed like that ... and with my current resistance to obsessive scrolling & notification-checking that comes with socmed features like that, i'm somewhat resistant to checking it at all. but yall have been really kind, and i appreciate it ... i'll be trying to return the favor as my shyness allows, hahah. thank you! <3

what's new with me?

not too much, honestly. i've been settling into my new place -- this has been the first week we've been able to spend the entire week at the house, so it's the first week i've felt like we're actually *living* here, you know. still doesn't quite feel like home, but i think that'll just take time. it's a great area & i'm still really happy we're here.

later this weekend we'll be attempting to garden a bit ( just planting a little shrub sprout we were gifted by my girlfriend's mother-in-law ) and maybe trying to thrift shop for some furniture. we also made a lemon chiffon cake for lesbian visibility week ( we were late sorry ) so it's been / hopefully will be a good but busy week!

NONE of that shit matters though. because something major is happening soon. yes. that's right. it's time for ...

as of today, it will be TWO WEEKS until we go get our kitten!!! i'm very excited!! i feel like we aren't prepared enough ... but also i'm not sure what else to get. i'm dying, i can't wait. i've spend so long without the company of a pet, i'm really looking forward to all the ups & downs that'll come with her addition in our lives. i'm going crazy. ARG!!!

... ah, oh yeah, and artfight is happening in two months. how the hell did that happen? i'll do my best to encourage healing with the hopes that i can participate a bit this year. it'll be my second year, and i'm excited! i really hope i can get a few drawings done for folks.

OK, that's it for today. get outta here, you scamps, and i'll see yall later. take it easy!