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hopeful horizons
2024 mar 2
what's new with the site?
- added more gacha pulls;
- implemented a comment box;
- added new game reviews: rayman.
current main projects:
- set up art page
- set up ocs profiles
- weekly game journal entries
after giving up on the idea of having a comments section, i of course then stumbled upon someone else's neocities that was using a service called HTML Comment Box. i've made a very rough implement of it on a test page and it looks functional. it may not get any use, but i'm glad the option is available! now to just make that damn art section of my website ...
what's new with me?
as you can see, i'm still unable to really make progress on the site. recovery is going slow for me, and at times things seem like they're getting worse ... but i have faith in my exercise plan. i just need to stick with it & not overexert myself. ( very difficult task ) so for my health's sake, i'll try not to ramble too much in today's post.
i had my birthday on the 28th & celebrated by taking the day off with my partner, which was a well needed respite. i have no feelings about getting older. in fact, so much else is going on in my life at this time that i genuinely almost forgot it was happening! but it was a good day, and i'm grateful to be here.

well & i have finally secured a house. i am so pleased to say this. i've been so anxious as to whether or not we'd find somewhere before our rental lease is up, and i think we're both very happy with the place we've found ... i feel so incredibly lucky, and so relieved. the process of buying this thing has been exhausting, though, and we still aren't done. we should be moved in by the end of april ... i don't anticipate being physically good enough to jump back into full-force web dev by then, but i am hoping to at least try to start chipping away at some projects again.
and my final note for today, is that well & i are going to be getting cats!!!! ha hah!!! yay!!!!! almost a decade now of not being able to own pets because of renting, and i can't tell you how excited i am. i feel so energized! we'll be rescuing a kitty from a shelter, and then working with a breeder for another. there is a lot of emotion going into this moment ... so once we are settled with both our new furry friends, i would like to write a little something about it. please look forward to a very overdramatic retrospective on animal companionship in the future.
months & months of misery seem like they're finally dissipating. i feel good. i mean, you know, i don't feel
good, but i feel emotionally elevated. i feel hopeful. i'm really looking forward to the future. i feel like i'm finally getting some control over my life, and it's been doing wonders for my mental health & happiness. i'm really, really glad.
thank you everyone, for reading & sticking around & showing interest in my little website. these blog posts may be a little dower or overly personal for some, which is OK -- but i want to let you know i appreciate your time. :~) take it easy folks, and i'll see yall when i see ya.