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artfight soon!!

2024 june 10

what's new with the site? current main projects:
  1. set up art page
  2. set up ocs profiles
  3. weekly game journal entries

what's new with me?

whew, hi again people. i meant to update sooner, but i've been busy!! i haven't even really had time to tinker around the ole website. unfortunately, it'll probably be on the back burner ( again ) for a bit here, because of two things.

one: my cats!! i said i was going to chat more about them once we got them both, but once they were both here, it ended up being a lot more work to deal with than i had anticipated. no regrets, of course, but take it from me: don't adopt an unspayed adult & a baby kitten at the same time. just don't. unspayed females YOWL, loud as HELL, ALL the time, and crave attention nonstop; and kittens are, well, kittens -- they need stimulation! or else!!!

they're really wonderful little ladies, though. they both have very curious & loving personalities, and both adore their playtime ( although the kitten -- "toulie" -- is naturally much more energetic than the adult -- "lautie" ). the main issue just comes from having to split our time between the two of them, and having to keep a close eye on their interactions; even now, about 4 or so weeks since we brought toulie home, lautie is still very resistant to having a roommate. ( kind of a funny stance to take for a cat who had been here for only 4 days before another cat showed up, but hey! ) they're much better about each other now than they were when toulie first arrive, but they still aren't cuddle buddies or anything. someday, i hope!

as i write this, we are a few days post-neuter surgery for lautie. it's added an additional level of stress, as she's a very athletic cat and we're trying to keep her from opening up her wound. we altered a baby onesie as a short notice solution to keep her from scratching at the incision as well, since she manages to throw her cone off within a few minutes of putting it on ... and so far, that all seems to be working. it's funny, toulie & lautie had a role reversal, where once toulie was kept in her room for most of the day & lautie had free roam of the house -- now poor lautie is locked up while she heals & toulie runs wild & free. we all group up in lautie's space to hang out for several hours of the day to keep her company though, of course. :-) i am hoping that by the end of lautie's recovery period, we'll be able to just let the two of them wander around freely ( and keep both of them with us at bedtime ;_; ) and just let them sort their stuff out themselves ... should be by the end of this week! but until then, it's trying to balance home & life maintenance, with spending time with our funny needy silly kitties.

( they are currently 4 months & 19 months [ ~1.5 years ] old! )

now then, the second thing: freaking artfight. i brought it up in my last post, but we've only got 3 weeks until the event starts now. ACK!!!

i currently have 6 characters on my profile, and 4 of them need updated designs. i'm done with 2 -- devyn & aster -- so i only need to do 2 more -- joanna & lodovico. but ... i have other characters i want to add as well. so in total, i'll be trying to add, update, and prepare 6 characters before the 1st of july. it's kind of a lot to ask, given i still have trouble drawing ... but i'm going to try my best! i'm resigning myself to having sketchy / sloppy refs just so i don't completely destroy myself before the event even begins ... hahah. or am i? 🤨 i am. don't worry. i am. ( 🤨 )

last year, i went really hard on attacking folks & felt kind of burnt out by the end, just because i didn't really get much back in return. this year, i'm going to try to curb my attacks to one or two a week ... for my mental health, but also my physical. i was suuuuper motivated & excited last year, so i'm sure i'll want to go overboard eventually ... but i'm going to do my best to just hold back. hopefully my health stays manageable so that i can actually participate for the entire month!

if you are participating in artfight, pleeeease hit me up! in my guestbook, on artfight itself, whatever! i have a backlog of characters i can draw, but i love to see 'em, so keep sending 'em my way!! it'd be nice to know i'd be attacking someone who's planning on being active, too.

so that's it for today! quick 'n' dirty. i'm pretty tired, otherwise i'd be rambling about a lot more minute none of you care about. teehee! take it easy everyone. until next time!