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my art section is live :)

2024 dec 7

what's new with the site? current main projects:
  1. backfill art page
  2. set up ocs profiles
  3. weekly game journal entries

just a quick post to inform you all that i've finished & deployed the art section of my website, finally. i am going to be filling it up with stuff over the course of the month, but once i'm finished with my backlog, i'll begin updating my RSS feed anytime i add new drawings. not too sure about the flow of that yet, but for now, expect a ping every time i upload a new "batch" ( ie. drawings from the same day / session / etc ).

as well, i cobbled together a mobile theme for the main website. the entire site is now mobile friendly ( at least for phones ) so enjoy browsing for real!! there are still some major things i need to polish here & there ... but at the very least, it's readable now.

these have both been a long time coming, so i am happy they're finally done! please take a look ... if you wish!

what's new with me?

nothing ... for now ... but with the finalization of my art page, allow me to talk a little bit about my intentions with it:

this may be obvious from all my lamentful postings about it, but i do have a somewhat tenuous relationship to art. in the past year or so, i've tried to find pleasure in making art for myself, not for an audience; but i've found that, in the end, i do still need feedback. i can sustain myself, but i feel so much more motivated to work if i know other people enjoy what i like & feel what i make is nice -- i want compliments now & then, is what i'm saying!!!

social media got me that, but i just had too much anxiety to deal with it. The Numbers made me play insurmountable mind games with myself, always making me question, Do People Like This? Do People Think I'm Lame? Does Everyone Hate Me So Much And Think I'm So Sucks Cuz I Draw Cringe Ass Pictures?? aboslutely maddening. so ...

with this neocities repository of art, i'm hoping to bridge the gap between these two modes of art-sharing thought. here, i can just upload drawings & not worry about views or likes or reblogs or notes or WHATEVER, but i can also still get feedback from time to time via the neocities feed or my guestbook. ( i thought about adding individual comment sections to drawings, but decided against it ... it would just bring me back to square one, you know ... in the future, i may make a separate comment section for the art page in general, though, like separate from the main site ... but anyway. )

so yeah. i'm hoping this thing will help motivate me to get me drawing freely & happily again. as always, thank you guys so much for reading & giving me the time of day. i'll see you all next time! take care~