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finally ... i'm open for business ...
2023 sept 25
what's new with the site?
i finally made my freaking landing page. now people have access to the rest of the site, free to come and go as they please!!! if you've been sneaking around here anyway, go take a look and see what i've done. :^)
besides that, i've worked on the following since my last post:
- added a few more characters to the gacha roller;
- added a hit counter & cleaned up the homepage;
- began work on my art pages ( MAJOR wip still ... );
- color-coordinated pages;
- and added RSS!

yea ... that's right ... besides the landing page being all done, the second most exciting news is that i figured out how to manually make RSS feeds. right now i've got one for just my art, just my blog posts, or just my game reviews! i encourage you to follow those if you want to stay up to day on changes to the site -- it's much less granular than neocities' built-in feed.
my next goal is to really buckle down and figure out how i want my art pages to look, as well as how to sort them so i don't go crazy. my intention is to upload & share as much art as i can ... i want this to feel casual, unlike how posting to social media has felt for me. there's going to be less feedback than using socmed ( until i can figure out good comment system ) but that's alright. if you use a personal website like this for a portfolio, please post about it in my guestbook!! i need to see how other folks are doing it, for inspiration ...
( i am also planning on creating separate pages for these blog entires, so they don't all have to hang out on the same page -- they'll all live here for now though. that's low priority atm. u.u )
what's new with me?
nothing really. as usual. we made our first pie of the season ( pear pie ) and our first soup ( sweet potato soup ) so my power levels are rising. the rain has also finally arrived, so i can feel the last flecks of my super summer depression being washed away until next year ...
hey, did you know? where i live, we have a "spider season". it lasts approximately one month, roughly august to september, and what it is, is, that spiders make a full on frontal assault towards the interiors of your homes, in unprecedented numbers, never ending, all fucking month long. every day. multiple times a day. did you also know? i am very scared of spiders! i'd never harm them, but i'll tell you, a human psyche can only encounter so many house spiders the size of one's palm before violence starts sounding good. ( i didn't kill any, don't worry. )
it came late this year, so it ended late this year ( last week? ), but it is astonishing how on the nose this event is. they come in waves, after not making an appearance all year long, and then, once spider season is over, they're gone. it felt particularly wild this year, but ... maybe that's also because this is the first year i even consciously acknowledged this period as spider season.
so ... yeah. that's all i got. thanks for reading! i'll see you in the next one.