likes - Being with friends & family;
- Experiencing new things;
- Making & serving food;
- Helping others.
dislikes - Being alone;
- Crass humor;
- Excessive negativity;
- Causing harm.♥️ foods :
Dumplings of most origins, hearty cream stews, tiramisu animals :
Ungulates, canines, anything big and / or fluffy plants :
Hyacinthes, buttercups, alliums hobbies :
Playing zither, exploring, potion brewing fashion :
Comfy cute. Tends to dress in layers & likes to think about coordinating colors, but isn't too fussy about sticking to trends. Tends to like antiquated aesthetics, which can give her a goofy "grandmotherly" vibe at times, but she isn't really into purposefully "antiquing" old clothes.