

A Tarnished & ex-Confessor educated in both the old- & new-faith teachings.

When grace stole away her parents at a young age, Devyn's singular wish was to reunite with them in the Lands Between. As fate would have it, this reunion was never to occur, & as the true nature of her ancestral home revealed itself to her, even her ideas of faith became lost.

Though grace still calls her towards her destiny, Devyn looks elsewhere for direction, paralyzed by religious dedication, yet secretly afraid of the cruelty that hides at the end of the Golden Order's path.

* original universe


A druid of the moon, raised on a nigh-forgotten form of Lurue worship.

Devyn once served the temple of Karnon as an informant & assassin, having been raised & nurtured by its clergy in lieu of her parents' mysterious disapperances. Though Karnon was not her true object of faith, Lurue's silence since that fateful day left Devyn feeling like she had no choice but to follow in her new path.

But fate is ever cruel, and just as she found herself settling in, Devyn was divulged a grave, irredeemable secret by the temple's leaders -- and unwilling to play the leal pawn any longer, she fled, destroying the clergy in her wake.

Devyn now roams as an anonymous merc, ever cautious to not stay in one place for too long. Though the tragedies & mysteries of her past continue to haunt her, what answers may lie in wait leave her afraid to act.

* current universe