✽ arrogant, stubborn, & intelligent as a vice.
Regards her intellect highly, often putting her experiences & opinions above others’; doesn’t go out of her way to learn new things, assuming she already knows best; unwilling to compromise once mind has been set. ✽ outwardly confident, but inwardly insecure.
Blunt decision making, relying on strength to carry her in moments of uncertainty; blames failures on others as a way of avoiding introspection; secretly afraid she is incapable, going out of her way to prove herself to others. ✽ bold & attention-seeking.
Always first to offer services in order to display talents & capabilities; enjoys praise & recognition of efforts, but would never admit it. ✽ fiercely vindictive.
Good memory & strong sense of justice lead to long-lasting grudges. ✽ very affable & chatty, but loyalty is elusive.
Enjoys the company of others, despite dismissive nature; prioritizes herself above others, though, leading to shallow relationships.